My Story This story relates experiences of abuse and negligence of a handicapped student throughout the spectrum of the school district staff -- from faculty members, through the guidance and nursing departments, and on through the principals (of both the middle and high schools), the high school principal's secretary, the superindendent(s), and the school board. It exposes how the student was mentally and physically abused by the high school principal and his secretary, how the school nurse and guidance counselor allowed it to happen without exposing it, and how the superintendent(s) and school board refuse to address the issue properly. It illustrates the affected autonomy of the Apollo-Ridge school district in the face of state and federal law. My daughter and I have come forward to tell our story, with the purpose of letting the administration know that- YES - We do have rights. Our story tells our experience with A-R School District. I also want to let the public know that in order to stop a bully, you have to stand up to one. After we have felt that all our rights have been stripped from us, and were not satisfied with the Administration's slapping of hands that were breaking laws (and big one's too), we've decided to use our right of Freedom of Speech. After speaking with ACLU, they have informed me that I can tell my story & I am protected by the law. (Thank You) Hopefully, after several months & years of people not listening to us, we can help others (that we have found), and I can not only help my daughter, but can help MANY others that I have found in the same situation. I pray that these parents will face those who are the bully, and will come forward. With upcoming elections, rumors of retirement, and some leaving, I could not see one's who had a hand in my daughter's story, knowing laws had been broken, walk away--after me being told they were happy. So to those of you who did this---Shame on You---you are BUSTED! Any attorneys out there that are willing to help, please feel free to get in touch with me. I am ready to Speak. Continue with Annie's Handicap |
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