Our MissionThe purpose of this Web Site is to provide a forum for the parents and students of the Apollo-Ridge School District,* Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, who find themselves in a stalemate when dealing with the school's administration. We are aware of a number of students and parents who are in a deadlock with the school administration and find they have nowhere to turn for help. We hope to provide information on what your rights are, and pointers for resolving them. This site is your forum for airing your concerns or situations that the school system is failing, or has failed, to address in an acceptable manner. We recommend that you do your best in personally dealing with the school to resolve any problems that you may have; but we will appreciate you sharing your experience with us. You may be helping someone in a similar situation; or someone may to able to help you. *We understand that some of these situations are probably not unique to our district. This forum is open to, and welcomes, comments and relations of experiences from other districts, in the hope that we may all work together to find support and solutions. Organizational ProfileWe are a group of concerned parents, students, and community members helping one another resolve problems with the Apollo-Ridge School System. Contact InformationCurrently there are three ways to get in touch with us. Send email to the address
below, fill out the feedback form linked above, or add your comments to our discussion
group. (Please keep it clean and factual, or we will have to remove it. We understand that
this district can easily drive a person to profanity, but the actions of the
administration are obscene enough.) You have the choice of giving your name and other
personal information or not. It is up to you. We respect your need for privacy.
Send mail to ApolloRidge@Hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.